Posted On July 24, 2021
Dominant hemisphere
- Right handed: over 90% has language center at left hemisphere
- Left handed: 30-70% has language center at left hemisphere
- Right brain dominant: when right brain injured, less severe symptom, some function are on left brain
- Expressive (Broca’s): problem talking
- Broca’s area affected
- Receptive (Wernicke): problem comprehending
- Wernicke’s area affected
- Conduction: problem with repeating
- arcuate fasciculus affected
- Global: all of the above
- large area of dominant hemisphere affected, usually has hemiparesis
- Anomic: impaired ability to name an item
- different areas around the above
- basal temporal lobe, the anterior inferior temporal lobe, the temporo-parieto-occipital junction, and the inferior parietal lobe

- Follow command
- Repeat
- Name objects